When you get your auto insurance policy, some types of coverage are required, and some are optional. At the minimum, there are three types of coverage that you should have to protect yourself financially. When it’s time to get your auto policy, we’re here to help. Just call us at Toedt Insurance Agency LLC in Albany, NY.
Bodily Injury Liability
This type of coverage is required by law. It’s a type of coverage that pays for the medical bills and other expenses of someone outside your vehicle who is injured in an accident. If you were the cause of the accident, you’d be the one responsible for paying for their medical treatments, ongoing therapies, lost wages, etc. It would be best to have this protection so the insurer can pay those bills.
Property Damage Liability
You must also have this type of coverage in your policy. This type pays for the damages to someone else’s property after an accident. This usually pays for the repairs to another party’s vehicle, but it can be any property damage. This includes damage to buildings and damage to plants and other landscaping. This coverage is essential for staying protected from the high cost of repairs.
Collision Coverage
Because property damage liability doesn’t pay for your property damage, you must choose collision coverage for your policy. This can pay for your own repairs or car replacement when you’ve been the cause of an accident. It’s never a good idea to be without this type of coverage because of the high cost of repairs.
Get Auto Insurance
When you’re in the market for auto insurance, call us to get started with a policy. Call us at Toedt Insurance Agency LLC in Albany, NY, to find out more.