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Toedt Insurance Agency LLC Blog

Does My Home Insurance Policy Require a Home Inventory?

If you’re a homeowner with home insurance, you may have heard of home inventories. Every homeowner can benefit from a home inventory, even if it’s not required. It helps to know what a home inventory is and how to keep one for your household.

At Toedt Insurance Agency LLC, serving Albany, NY, we can answer your questions about home inventories and provide the information you need to get started.

What Is A Home Inventory?

A home inventory documents the things you own and would need to replace following a disaster. Home inventories can be created using various methods, such as apps, spreadsheets, and videos.

As a homeowner, you can choose to keep your home inventory in a way that works for you—unless your insurance company requires you to maintain it in a specific format.

Who Needs A Home Inventory?

Everyone can benefit from a home inventory if a disaster occurs. Remembering what you own can be a challenge if you’ve lost everything.

However, some insurance policies require a home inventory. Reviewing the policy or checking with your insurance agent can determine whether your insurance company requires one.

Need Help Making A Home Inventory? We Can Help

Making a home inventory isn’t difficult, especially if you have an app to help you with it. Talk to your insurance agent at Toedt Insurance Agency LLC, which serves Albany, NY, to learn more.

We can answer your questions and provide you with information to help with your home inventory. Call today to speak with one of our insurance professionals.

Preparing your New York home for winter

Winter in Albany, NY, can be quite cold. On average, nearly 60 inches of snow fall annually, occurring on about 34 days. Preparing your home for this onslaught is essential. At Toedt Insurance Agency LLC, we are an independent insurance agency that works for our customers. Let us help you get the information you need to make the right home insurance decision.

As autumn begins to fade and the last of the leaves fall from the trees, it’s time to start thinking about preparing your home for the winter ahead. With all the snow that falls in Albany, it’s vital to ensure you have bags of sand and salt safely stashed in your garage or vehicle trunk. Find your snow shovel and get your snow blower tuned up. These are just the first steps.

Inside your home

Inside your home, have your chimney cleaned so you can enjoy your fireplace, and have your furnace cleaned to ensure it’s working at its most efficient rate. Check the battery backup in your smoke alarm and your carbon monoxide detectors. Every year, people die needlessly from carbon monoxide. Check windows for leaks and keep a caulking kit handy.

Outside your home

Once the last of the leaves have fallen, ensure that your gutters aren’t filled with debris. Ice can build up and damage your roof if it can’t flow freely. Store any outdoor furniture that you have. Put away all your hoses so they won’t freeze, and shut off the water flow to outdoor faucets. Check your generator to ensure it’s working and you have the fuel you need to run it.

Contact our Toedt Insurance Agency LLC office in Albany, NY when you need home insurance.

Why it’s Important to Replace Your Roof When it Needs It

At the Toedt Insurance Agency LLC in Albany, NY, we know that all homeowners will eventually have their roofs replaced. It is a part of your regular home maintenance and one of the most important investments you can make for the value of your property and to protect it from the elements.

Why you should replace your roof when it needs it.

Regular roof replacement is a smart financial decision. It saves you money in the long term, protecting you from expensive damages caused by storm damage and other hazards. It also ensures that your home insurance coverage will be available when various perils damage your home’s structure.

Let’s look at other reasons to replace your roof when it needs it.

  • Energy Efficiency—Installing a new modern roof can help insulate your home and make it more energy efficient, saving you hundreds in utility bills.
  • Protection—Replacing your roof can protect your home from water leaks, which can damage the structure and form mold, which is harmful to your family’s health.
  • Longer Lasting – Replacing your roof helps it become more durable when exposed to the elements of wind, hail, and other storm damage.
  • Increased Value—You buy home insurance to protect your investment in case the unthinkable happens. Why not pay to replace your roof and increase its value on the market?

How do you know you need to replace your roof?

The following are a few signs that you should have your roof replaced:

  • You have missing shingles or shingles that are curled up on the ends. They can cause openings for water to damage the woodwork and structure of your home.
  • Your roof sags. A sagging roof is a sign of a severe problem. It may be something compromising the structure of your home that can be repaired when a new roof is installed.
  • Your roof leaks. A leaking roof can cause extensive damage to your home, the structure, personal property, or even the people inside. So, it is wise to get this addressed as soon as possible.

Get in touch with us today!

If you’re unsure about the condition of your roof or need assistance with your home insurance, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.

At the Toedt Insurance Agency LLC in Albany, NY, we have seen countless homeowners pay their hard-earned money to insure a home while not properly maintaining its upkeep. In those cases, you are less likely to be covered when the unthinkable happens. For expert advice and more tips to keep your home strong and a safe place for you and your family to reside, call (518) 438-8154 and get in touch with us today!

Is Vandalism Covered by Your Homeowner’s Policy?

One of the most common questions we get at the Toedt Insurance Agency LLC, serving the greater Albany, NY area is, "Does my homeowner policy cover vandalism?"

Every homeowner’s insurance policy covers vandalism. This is mentioned in the "malicious mischief" clause in your policy. This kind of damage includes broken windows, graffiti, and damage to property or belongings.

However, not every act of vandalism is covered by every homeowner’s policy unless you specifically request it.

What kinds of vandalism aren’t covered by your homeowner’s policy?

Your homeowner policy typically won’t cover damages from vandalism to a home that has been unoccupied for sixty days or more.

One situation we often encounter is an elderly homeowner who has to go into assisted living and leave their home unattended.

Families who have to move for new jobs before selling their houses may also be exposed to vandalism. Returning home from an extended vacation can sometimes result in unpleasant surprises.

One way to ensure you have coverage against vandalism is to hire a housesitter. If that’s not an option, we can help you get additional coverage from a specialty carrier.

Another thing to consider when insuring your home against vandalism is the value of art, antiques, collectibles, and jewelry.

It would be best to inform your insurance agent about any valuables you want to insure in your home. Create a home inventory of high-value items and get an appraisal for jewelry. Remember, some items increase in value over time.

Take photographs of valuables and store the photos with the appraisals in a secure location. But be sure to bring these items to your agent’s attention when you get your policy.

Toedt Insurance Agency LLC services satisfied homeowners throughout the greater Albany, NY area. Contact us today about your insurance needs!

What to Know About Insuring a Vacation Home

Owning a vacation home is a dream for many, but it’s important to understand the unique insurance needs involved. Protecting a vacation home near Albany, NY is slightly different from insuring your primary residence. Here’s what you should know if insuring a vacation home in the area.

Personal Property Coverage May Be Optional

If your vacation home is more like an unfurnished cabin, you likely don’t need personal property coverage for the place. You also may not need personal property coverage through a vacation home insurance policy if you already have sufficient coverage through your primary homeowner’s insurance policy.

Vacant Property Coverage

Most people who have vacation homes leave their place unoccupied for several months at a time. Your vacation home policy probably needs to include vacant property coverage to ensure your place is still insured even when not used during the offseason.

Protection Against Frozen Pipes

Harsh winters in Albany, NY,  make frozen pipes a significant risk. A frozen pipe can be especially damaging if you aren’t around to see the pipe freeze, break, and leak. 

To protect against the costs of remedying such damage, look for a vacation home insurance policy that includes coverage for frozen pipes. At Toedt Insurance Agency LLC, we can help you find a policy that offers this protection.

The Right Coverage for Your Needs

Factors like your vacation home’s location, amenities, and how often you use it further affect your insurance needs. To make sure you find insurance that matches your place’s specific needs, let us at Toedt Insurance Agency LLC help you find the right vacation home policy.

Additional Living Expense (ALE) Coverage: A Home Insurance Guide

An excellent and essential benefit of having a Homeowner Insurance Policy is the loss of use coverage, also known as additional living expense (ALE) coverage.  Let us, the Toedt Insurance Agency LLC in Albany, NY, help you have peace of mind if the unthinkable happens.

Understanding Additional Living Expense (ALE) Coverage

ALE coverage (also available to condominium owners and in renter’s insurance policies) covers added costs associated with a policyholder’s temporary displacement from their residence in a covered peril.  ALE coverage in New York can pay up to 20% of the insurance dwelling amount while your home is being repaired.

ALE typically covers expenses associated with food, hotel stays, or temporary rental spaces until your primary residence can be inhabited again.

Other benefits that can be covered under the loss of use portion of your homeowner’s insurance policy may include:

  • Moving or displacement expenses
  • Rental furniture
  • Laundry expenses (because you don’t have access to a washer and dryer)
  • Storage costs
  • Boarding of pets

To know the specifics of your individual policy, contact your agent to get a detailed explanation of coverage.

Loss of use coverage doesn’t cover costs for things you were previously responsible for before the time of loss.  Your home mortgage, childcare expenses, insurance costs, and other household bills you paid regularly would be excluded from ALE coverage.  This coverage is for added expenses you are responsible for paying because you can’t live in your place of residence. 

Have Questions? Consult With Us

Guard your home, protect your family and quality of life, and have peace of mind.  Talk to a licensed agent at Toedt Insurance Agency LLC in Albany, NY for more information about homeowner insurance policies.  

5 Factors to Consider When Purchasing Home Insurance

The purpose of home insurance is to protect your home and valuables from perils that can cause financial loss. The right policy will provide just the protection you need without wasting money on unnecessary coverage. At Toedt Insurance Agency LLC in Albany, NY, we can personalize your policy to meet your unique insurance needs.

Here are some important factors to consider when purchasing a home policy:

Type of Coverage

Standard home insurance offers dwelling, contents, and liability coverage. You can review these types of coverage with your Toedt Insurance agent to fully understand the protection they provide. You should also be aware of the perils your policy protects you from, such as theft, vandalism, storm damage, tornadoes, etc. If you want protection from flooding, you’ll need to purchase a separate flood insurance policy.  

Amount of Coverage

In addition to the type of coverage, you decide the amount of coverage you want to protect your property. Dwelling coverage, for example, should cover the cost of rebuilding your home if it’s totally destroyed in a disaster. We can help you assess the value of your home and its contents to help you obtain accurate coverage.

Claims Process

Another factor to consider is the claims process. Talk to your insurer about filing a claim so you understand what’s required to get compensation when you need it most.

Insurance Cost

By shopping around, you can get a better idea of home insurance costs in your local area. Be sure to compare what different policies offer in relation to their costs. You don’t want to be penny-wise and pound-foolish when it comes to protecting your most valuable asset.

Insurance Company

Finally, choose a reputable insurance company you can trust. At Toedt Insurance Agency LLC in Albany, NY, we offer quality home insurance at affordable costs.

Does My Home Insurance Cover Summer Storm Damage?

Protecting your home against summer storm damage is essential, and having comprehensive home insurance coverage can help. If you live in Albany, NY, you’ll want to understand how your policy covers storm damage to be prepared.

Here’s what you need to know:

Understanding Storm Damage Coverage

Typically, most home insurance policies cover a wide range of potential hazards and damages, including damage caused by natural disasters like storms and severe weather events. However, reviewing your policy carefully is essential to understand what is and isn’t covered, especially with summer storm damage. Some policies may include exclusions or limitations for specific weather events, so ensuring adequate coverage is essential.

Storm Damage Caused by Wind and Hail

One of the most common types of summer storm damage in Albany, NY is caused by high winds and hail. These elements can cause significant damage to roofs, siding, windows, and other areas of your home. Fortunately, most home insurance policies provide coverage for wind and hail damage. However, reviewing your policy to understand your deductible and coverage limits is essential.

Flood Damage from Heavy Rain

Heavy rain and flash flooding can also cause extensive damage to your home during the summer months. Unfortunately, many standard home insurance policies do not cover flood damage. If you live in an area prone to flooding, you may need to purchase a separate flood insurance policy to ensure this type of damage coverage.

Toedt Insurance Agency LLC Is Here To Help!

At Toedt Insurance Agency LLC, we are here to help you find the right home insurance coverage for your needs in Albany, NY, including additional policies for floods and other perils. Contact us today to learn more.

What every new homeowner needs to know about home insurance

Buying your first home is an important step in your life. What you know about home insurance is probably minimal except for the fact that your mortgage holder has told you what you need to have to get your mortgage. At Toedt Insurance Agency LLC in Albany, NY, we are here to help you to make sure you get the right insurance, not just the right amount. 

What you need to know about home insurance

You decide the amount of your deductible

Your home insurance has a deductible on many parts of the coverage. You are the one that decides the amount that is right for you. If you don’t want to have to pay a lot of money out of pocket, choose a low deductible, and if you want a lower premium, go for a higher deductible. 

Not every hazard is covered

Home insurance policies have exclusions. These are things that won’t be covered if they happen to you. Your home insurance doesn’t provide coverage for floods, sewer backups, earthquakes, sinkholes, mudslides, landslides, termites, war, civil unrest, mold, rodent infestation, wear and tear, and owner neglect. Certain breeds of dogs will also not be covered. 

Some coverage has limits

Some types of coverage have limits. The amount of jewelry, rare coins, cash, antiques, and art you are covering is limited. 

Endorsements allow you to extend your coverage

Endorsements are a way to extend the coverage of your home policy to things it would either not cover or not cover at a level to protect you. This allows you to customize your home insurance to your very specific needs. Identity theft is one that you may want to consider to protect your assets. Also, extended content coverage for your more expensive items. 

Give Us A Call

To learn more about home insurance, contact Toedt Insurance Agency LLC in Albany, NY to get a no-obligation quote. 

What is a Home Inventory Sheet?

A home inventory sheet is an essential tool to help you in the event of a claim after a disaster. In addition, this can help you select the right amount of insurance to purchase, and your Toedt Insurance Agency LLC representative will be happy to answer any questions you have in this regard. 

What is a Home Inventory Sheet?

Your inventory should, at its most basic, include a list of all possessions kept on your property. Secondly, there should be an in-depth description of the item itself. Video helps in this endeavor, as you can film from multiple angles and show the condition at the time of filming as well as any special features. 

Be sure to write down any pertinent serial numbers, the make and model, or any other identifier. Also, record the date of purchase along with a copy of the receipt. It’s also recommended that you take a photograph of the receipt, as these can tend to degrade with age. 

It’s important to state the purchase price but also the amount you estimate it would cost to replace the item. Keep a backup of this document at a separate location, in cloud-based storage, on a home inventory sheet app, or in a safe deposit box. Keep the information current, updating all copies at periodic intervals.

Homeowners insurance is not a requirement in the state of New York by law but is usually mandated by your lender as long as you have a balance. Some Albany, NY residents choose to continue carrying this indemnification for the benefits it confers. 

Let Us Meet Your Insurance Needs

We at Toedt Insurance Agency LLC in Albany, NY work hard to get the right coverage package for you. You can reach us by phone or email, and we invite you to stop by our office. 

Partner Carriers

  • American Modern
  • AM Trust
  • CNA
  • Foremost
  • Hagerty
  • Lancer Insurance Company
  • Lemonade
  • Liberty Mutual
  • Main Street America
  • Midstate Mutual
  • National Benefit Life
  • National General
  • NYCM
  • Progressive Commercial
  • RLI
  • Safeco
  • Shelter Point Life Insurance Company
  • Standard Security Life
  • Utica First